Saturday, November 1, 2014

Shrimp boat season

This shrimp boat season has been odd to say the least.  For a short period of time the shrimp boats were in a normal spot, and they held plenty of fish so all is well, right? ..... That lasted about two days , and then we went back to re inventing the wheel every day. The old saying "every day is different" was a understatment!! Very seldom we did the same thing from the day before. The good news is that every day we'd find them!! More days than not though, I felt like it was 4th and long with under 2 minutes in the game before we'd finally get em. We were rewarded with some really nice fish while fishing in some really weird places using some really weird techniques. Some days chunks were the answer, others it was hard tails on the bomb that would tickle there fancy, and other days it was 2 foot long mullet swimming on the surface they wanted. The two best fish for the last little stretch were a 154 lb. , and a a 177 lb. Yellowfin. Along they way we picked up more blackfin than I care to count, and lots of yellowfin in the 70 - 100 lb. range .
The day we caught the 177 lb. was one of the more memorable days, not so much because of that fish, rather just the day in general. The weather was better than great, the crew was better than great, and we wound up fishing a green on blue rip that was loaded with giants!!! The first fish we hooked dumped a 50 wide????  Then we up with the big boy and and another slob, that kept us buisy for over an hour. While we were hooked up to these big boys, the giants started destroying blackfin tuna. After breaking off one of the giants and landing the other, we imeadiatley deployed two more baits while the sun was getting low in the horizon. Almost instantly we doubled again, broke another giant off, but the other stayed hooked  till well after dark. When we finally got it close enough to see it we were a tad bit scared to see a VERY BIG MAKO!!! It was so big the only way to move it was for the angler to lift with all his might while I would simultaneously hand line the fish. Jimmy was scrambling to get the the harpoon ready to fly when the leader finally gave up!!!
No matter, I was loving life and living having the opprotuity to fish in an aquatic version of Jerrasic park!!!! The land of the giants!!
Thea latest cold front is going to keep us off the water for a while, but can't wait to get back after em.
Capt. Jerry Allen

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